It is typical for an off the plan contract of sale to provide that the purchaser will reimburse the vendor / developer’s costs of connecting services.

Typically, the developer asks for the costs of connecting the electricity and not much more.

I think this is a missed opportunity for many developers.  A little more planning could see thousands of additional dollars recovered on an average 4 unit development.

Additional planning could take a number of forms:

  • Including connection fees as a distinct item in your budget / feasibility;
  • Asking your solicitor to make sure that the relevant clause in the contract is drafted broadly enough to maximise the connection fees recovered; and
  • Making sure that the appropriate receipts and records are available so that these amounts can be recovered at settlement.

Clearly, there are limits to this approach.  I don’t think many purchasers would accept that the cost of running a gas line to the property should be included as a connection fee.  In some cases, the promise of a fixed all inclusive price may be part of your marketing.

However, I believe many developers are unknowingly leaving money on the table in this area.

At Lewis O’Brien & Associates we take the time to make sure that your off the plan contract maximises the money received by the developer at settlement – in addition to attending to the compliance issues and flexibility required for development projects.  Please contact us to discuss your next off the plan contract.